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TJK Safe Training (COVID-19) Policy



TAI-JUTSU-KAI JU-JUTSU association considers the health, safety and well being of all its members, students, instructors and families of paramount importance and accepts its responsibility, as a ‘martial arts association’ for the provision of a safe and healthy training environment.

Wherever TAI-JUTSU-KAI undertakes its activities, it shall take all necessary actions to protect the Health, Safety and Well being of its members in controlling the spread of COVID-19 and ensure that the Health and Safety of the public and visitors is not adversely affected by its activities. 

All members of TAI-JUTSU-KAI shall ensure that they carry out their activities and training in a controlled manner, giving due consideration for the controls required in relation to COVID-19 at all times.

Health, Safety and Well being is a very important part of TAI-JUTSU-KAI responsibilities and we shall endeavour to provide support, advice and documentation to responsible persons at each TAI-JUTSU-KAI registered club to enable the implementation of this policy.

Adherence to this policy is required by all member clubs and signed confirmation is required.

Protecting our Members, Visitors & Families’


Review – This policy, controls and risk assessment must be reviewed in-line with any Government, Local Authority or Association guidance that may be issued from time to time.


These requirements are mandatory unless amended following issued guidance from one of the official bodies stated above.

  • Members / Students must arrive already dressed for training, to eliminate the need to use communal changing rooms, rest areas and toilet. Until such time the training facility operates suitable and sufficient controls.
  • The use of changing rooms, rest areas and toilets will be directed and controlled by the training facility provider management. You must follow all advice and guidance given by the facility provider management.
  • An appropriate hand cleaning station / sanitiser where all persons entering the class area will clean their hands.
  • Any with symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend training and must strictly follow the government directive on self isolation and Test & Trace.
  • Should a member display symptom of COVID-19 during training, they must leave immediately and return home and follow the government guidelines, particular self isolation and Test & Trace.  Should the need arise to provide information for Government tracing purposes, it is recommended that the club keep suitable records: Such like a signing in sheet with Name and Contact Numbers, these records must be retained for 21 days.  (this is in-accordance with Government advice).
  • Implement ‘single user’ rule for all equipment i.e. focus pads, gloves etc may only be used by the one person in any class – all equipment will be appropriately cleaned after usage.  Under no circumstance should equipment be shared until cleaned.
  • When so permitted, by Government issued guidance, partner training can occur. The current guidance for an outdoor training class is 6 students (includes instructor) that are positioned with adequate 2m social distancing. Under this Policy a training partner must remain as the same person for the duration of the class (i.e. no changing training partners). Until such guidance makes it possible to change partners. Members from the same direct family can be considered for training together, but it must be their own decision.
  • Spectators to your class are not allowed.  Parents must drop the student off and wait in their car or outside the class; they cannot enter the class and wait. Students arriving for their class must not enter until advised to do so, and must observe appropriate social distancing while waiting outside, and observe the facility provider control arrangements.
  • Where possible classes will have a clear sign posted at separate entry and exit areas.  Where this is not possible, appropriate social distancing must be observed when entering and leaving the class. Control this by ensuring the previous class leave before the next class enters.
  • Instructors will ensure that the following items form part of the club ‘sanitising kit’, hand sanitisers, disinfectant wipes / disinfectant spray, microfibre cloths, gloves -rated safe, paper towels, appropriate small bin.
  • Instructors will ensure that cleaning and sanitising will occur before and after class and, where required during class – with particular attention to be made to toilets / wash facilities (where you are responsible for them) and entry doors, tables, and any contact point etc. 
  • It’s important that those running or assisting in classes have some form of COVID awareness training certification. This should be displayed if requested. ‘COVID awareness certification’ is obtained by completing an online ‘COVID awareness course. (sources can be provided on request)     

Temperature Testing: (optional)

Temperature screening may be conducted at the entrance to the class by the use of a forehead scan thermometer.  This is optional because students should not be attending if the have symptoms of COVID-19.

If the scanner’s reading result is within the normal range of body temperature then it is considered safe to allow access to the training class. If a person’s temperature is equal to or in excess of 37.8°C, they must follow the procedure to manage a person with symptoms and the person will not be allowed to enter the class training area. The person recording the reading of 37.8°C degrees or higher, shall advise the person so recorded that they must seek immediate Test & Trace for the COVID-19 virus, and follow the strict isolations procedure.

General Welfare and Well Being


It is in the interest of the club, instructor, Tai-Jutsu-Kai insures and the individual to ensure that COVID-19 related incidents are recorded by the club in a suitable format and or in the accident book.

These records must be kept and filed separate to the accident book and not left available for general access (data protection).  (Accident books are obtainable from St John Ambulance, Red Cross, and HMSO).

Well Being (Government Advice)

Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important if you need to stay at home or you are shielding because of coronavirus (COVID-19).

You may feel bored, frustrated or lonely. You may also be low, worried or anxious, or concerned about your finances, your health or those close to you.

It’s important to remember that it’s OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently. Remember, for most of us, these feelings will pass. Staying at home may be difficult, but you’re helping to protect yourself and others by doing it.

The government also has wider guidance on staying at home as a result of coronavirus.  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-the-public-on-mental-health-and-wellbeing/guidance-for-the-public-on-the-mental-health-and-wellbeing-aspects-of-coronavirus-covid-19

Test & Trace  

Should a member display symptom of COVID-19 during training, they must leave immediately and return home and follow the government guidelines, particular self-isolation and Test & Trace.  Should the need arise to provide information for Government tracing purposes, it is recommended that the club keep suitable records: Such like a signing in sheet with Name and Contact Numbers, these records must be retained for 21 days.  (this is in-accordance with Government advice).

First Aid Facilities

The Club Representative shall ensure that suitable first aid is available during training. The first aider shall have received basic or enhanced first aid training to a level that is suitable and sufficient for the club requirements. A suitable first aid kit must also be made available.

If you have concerns regarding administration of First Aid due to COVID-19, please ensure your own safety and well being and practice limited contact measures. Do not put yourselves at risk. (https:// www.hse.gov.uk/coronavirus/first-aid-and-medicals/first-aid-certificate-coronavirus.htm)

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

  • Each club must assess the aspects and impacts of COVID-19 for that particular club.
  • Club Representative or nominated person shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of risks and controls.
  • THE EXAMPLE IS NOT A Comprehensive list – as there may be things unique to your location, your user groups or facility provider that might also have a risk attached with a need for controls.

Current Government Advice: 9th July 2020 (Subject to Review)

The current available government guidance for the leisure and gym industry states that facilities and providers of Sport and Physical activity should put measures in place so that all participants:

  • Socially distance at 2 metres where possible when moving around the venue
  • Stay at a minimum of 1 metre+ when this is not possible (this means with additional controls, not merely 1m apart)
  • Follow Covid-19 hygiene instructions
  • Occupy 100 square feet 10ft x 10ft or 3m x 3m space when exercising, see example only:

10m x 6m (each mat 1m x 1m)

     Student  Student 
     Student  student 
     Student  Student 

Instructor 2m away from nearest student.

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